If our harm is relational, our healing must also be relational.

Story Work Groups are a passion of mine. I have found immense healing for myself in the context of a safe, contained, and deeply attuned group and consider it a privilege to create these spaces for others. I believe joining a story group could be the key to unlocking some of your deepest healing.

Hear one past participant’s experience.

Two options to choose from.

  • In-Person Men's Story Group Retreat

    I offer an experiential weekend focused on helping men work through their formative stories. In a group context, we'll explore how these stories impact their styles of relating interpersonally, ways of thinking and feeling about themselves, and how this contributes to dysfunctional behavior patterns. I have found that participating in this type of intensive retreat offers tremendous support to an individual therapy process. For many men this work accomplishes therapeutically what would take approximately 6 months to achieve through individual sessions of psychotherapy. The cost is $895 which covers your registration, a 3-night stay at a beach house in Gulf Shores, AL, and most of the meals during your stay. Connect with me to learn more or click the link below to register!

  • Virtual Co-ed Story Group

    I offer virtual groups with a mix of both men and women to help them explore how their formative stories impact their styles of relating interpersonally, ways of thinking and feeling about themselves, and how this contributes to dysfunctional behavior patterns. I have found that participating in this type of virtual group offers tremendous support to an individual therapy process. For many participants, this work accomplishes therapeutically what would take approximately 6 months to achieve through individual sessions of psychotherapy. These groups are created when enough interested participants are available and ready to commit. The group will last for 2 hours and will have between 5-7 participants. Depending upon the number of group members, the group will run for 6-8 weeks subject to the number of group members. The cost for each participant is $80 per week. Click the link below to express your interest and request more information.