Make sense of your most painful experiences.

Counseling for Painful Childhood Experiences

Online Trauma Therapy throughout Alabama and Florida | IFS | EMDR| Story Work

Are there aspects of your childhood you actively try to avoid but know they still hold pain and heartache that needs care?

No one has a perfect childhood. Even within well-meaning families, moments of pain and sorrow inevitably arise.

During childhood, we are in a fairly powerless position and it can be a struggle to navigate confusing, scary, and shame-filled experiences without the tender care of someone who is attuned to our experience and willing to engage us in our big feelings. Without that engagement, children are left to make sense of their experiences in ways that are rarely true and end up costing them something of themselves in the process.

There’s a way to hold your story with both honor and honesty.

Many people I work with have strong loyalties to their parents or other people in their lives. This loyalty can feel like telling a deeper truth of their story and the pain they hold would somehow betray or dishonor the individuals involved in their story.

I have learned that there is truly no honor if there is not honesty. Otherwise, what is being honored is more connected to a type of fiction than the truth.

Revealing a deeper truth within our personal narratives and the roles played by those involved can liberate us, enabling clearer perception, the acknowledgment of unmet needs, and the release from previous patterns that dictated our actions. This newfound clarity empowers us to live more authentically and fully embrace our true selves.


Counseling for painful childhood experiences can help you:

Identify the impact of your painful stories

Our stories reveal so much more than we initially have the capacity to see or could not afford to see in the past. Together, we will engage your stories to make sense of your pain and how it continues to impact you.

Grieve and tend to your younger self in your stories

Once we can name and engage what you were meant to have and did not receive, we will enter into those places with both grief and care for the younger self in your story and offer a reparative experience.

Find freedom to live a more integrated life

As truth is brought to your story, there will be more freedom to consider how you have lived your life through the frame of your story. Together, we will explore how you want to live and who you want to become.

Common questions about counseling for painful childhood experiences

  • I encounter this thought frequently. While gaining perspective can be beneficial, comparing your pain to that of others is seldom constructive. Instead, I encourage you to embrace your unique story with curiosity, exploring the experiences of your younger self without judgment or comparison.

  • The reality is that our present and future are profoundly shaped by our past. Every experience, thought, emotion, and sensation is influenced by our past encounters. Therefore, it's impossible to fully engage with the present or anticipate the future without acknowledging the impact of our past experiences.

  • When confronting painful childhood experiences, there can be significant benefits and healing in engaging in difficult conversations with those who contributed to our harm. However, it's essential to approach these conversations with careful discernment, considering factors like emotional capacity and safety. It's important to recognize that healing from childhood trauma doesn't always necessitate direct confrontation.

Trauma doesn’t get the final word.