Steven Booker, LPC

Every part of you and your story is valuable and worthy of good care.

I believe through restoring dignity and internal hospitality, a person can move towards reconciliation with all parts of themselves.

I love to work with individuals affected by various types of trauma. Trauma can encompass many things including: significant life-threatening events, complex or pervasive unhealthy relational dynamics, childhood abuse or neglect, unhealthy present day relationships, or difficult life adjustments. I believe through restoring dignity and internal hospitality, a person can move towards reconciliation with all parts of themselves. I consider entering another’s story to be a deep privilege and I’m passionate about engaging stories in both individual and group contexts. I find myself continually inspired by the unfolding redemption that occurs through the engagement of story.

I use a variety of techniques, but have found my clinical style to be most integrated with Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, and Dan Allender’s Narrative Focused Trauma Care/Story Work (NFTC). I provide individual online counseling to adults and have had a variety of treatment settings from clinical mental health to vocational ministry. I also have extensive advanced training in working with dissociation and complex trauma.

How do I believe change works?

I believe that in this life and the stories we hold, parts of us become disintegrated in response to trauma and the harm of living in a beautiful, but broken world. Some parts become buried in response to shame or a sense of threat, while others take on specialized ways to protect and survive the world and particular context we find ourselves in.

Change occurs when these parts of us are engaged with dignity and honor, attuned to deeply, compassionately witnessed in their experiences, and invited to name more of what was true than what we may have had language for at the time of their disintegration. As this engagement occurs and there is more capacity to embody grief and anger with a kind and containing guide, there is a movement towards welcoming home the parts of ourselves that have been buried with shame and contempt through internal hospitality, blessing, and lament. This opens the door for integration and deep change that likely is never finished in this life. I believe we are always becoming. 

Explore your formative stories.

We all hold stories that have impacted and formed us. Without curiosity and exploration, these stories will show up in how you relate to yourself and the world daily. This exploration is meant to be gentle, safe, and kind.

Grieve and honor your pain.

Parts of us will inevitably hold the pain and the burden of painful experiences. We can return to these places in your story and grieve with your younger selves and ultimately offer reparative experiences that can provide freedom.

Live the life you desire.

In light of the freedom that comes from being relieved of past burdens, you get to step into what you are uniquely meant to bring this world and how your story has set you up to reflect something beautiful.

Training & Education

  • M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling from University of Mobile in 2009

  • Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Alabama (2993)

  • Registered Telehealth Provider for the State of Florida (TPMC1075)*

  • Board Certified as National Certified Counselor through the NBCC (299941)

  • Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider through CCE (41)

  • Certified EMDR Therapist and Approved Consultant through EMDRIA

  • Certified IFS Therapist with Level 3 training and Approved Clinical Consultant through IFSI (CSL-0961)

  • Certified Narrative Focused Trauma Care Provider through The Allender Center

  • Facilitator and Fellow with The Allender Center (Level 1-3, Externship, and Apprenticeship)

*For more information on registered Telehealth provider status in Florida: